Copyright © 2009 First Presbyterian Church, Fremont, Ohio 
First Presbyterian Church, 120 South Park Avenue,
Fremont, OH 43420, 419-334-7171,

Copyright © 2009 First Presbyterian Church, Fremont, Ohio 

We, the people of First Presbyterian Church believe:

God revealed great love for all people by sending Jesus to die that we might live.

We love our Creator and our Redeemer because God  first loved us.  Our Lord calls us and empowers us by the Holy Spirit to love one another and to care for the Creation.

We claim this power to love through prayer, the          sacraments, the study of God's word, worship,                       witness, and accepting the gift of God's grace.

We respond to this power by establishing God's rule in  our own lives and by bringing family, friends,                          acquaintances and strangers to the knowledge of                 the true and living God.

We show the power of God's Holy Spirit by proclaiming the Good News, by teaching the Word, by equipping            disciples, by caring for the needy, by comforting the              afflicted, by forgiving others, by welcoming strangers, and by promoting justice.  These things that God does through us are to the end that all people might live in God's love and glorify God's name.