There's a place for you!  Various adult groups provide an important avenue to get connected and enjoy fellowship with other members of the congregation.  Here are some of the opportunities that are available:

First Presbyterian Women's Association:
The Women's association is the umbrella organization for all the church's ministries by and for women. The association coordinates various circles that meet for fellowship, spiritual study and mutual support.  

  • Missions Supported:
    Food Pantry, Fremont Clergy Fellowship Emergency Fund, Rainbow Station Memorial Fund,     Rainbow Station Scholarship Fund, Share and Care, Village House, Youth For Christ, Liberty     Center, School of Hope, Nickel for Nets, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and a variety of other     opportunities as the need arises.

The First Presbyterian Women's Association sponsors the Spring rummage sale, the annual Cookie Walk, funeral luncheons and social activities for women. Funds raised during these events are largely used to support mission causes.

Satellites is a senior citizens group that meets for lunch and fellowship once a month (weather permitting) at a local restaurant.  Call the church office for upcoming dates and locations. 

Fellowship and Service Events:
Throughout the year, our Fellowship and Service Team coordinates a variety of events that provide opportunities for building closer relationships among members of our church family.  These include (or have included) monthly after-church luncheons, the Progressive Dinner (for over 40 years), a fall scavenger hunt, the Party in the Parking Lot, road trips to ball games, square dances, golf outings, and service days.

This page was last updated: January 7, 2025
First Presbyterian Church, PO Box 682
Fremont, OH 43420, 419-334-7171,

Copyright © 2009 First Presbyterian Church, Fremont, Ohio